How to easily handle immediate stress in your busy life

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s work deadlines, social obligations, or the constant juggle of daily responsibilities, the pressure can feel overwhelming. The good news is, there are simple tools you can use to manage stress in real time, and one of the most effective is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

In this article, we’ll introduce a powerful NLP technique called “5 4 3 2 1 Grounding“, which can be done in the moment to bring you relief. It is an easy exercise that can be done anywhere at any time. It works by calling upon all of your senses to shift your focus away from anxious thoughts and bring your attention to the tangible sensations in the present moment.

This technique not only grounds you in the present but also activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to reduce the physical effects of stress. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for calming the body after stress, helping to slow your heart rate and promote relaxation.

By simply observing with all senses, you can connect, not only to the world around you but also with yourself, giving yourself some time and breathing space to process what is going on in and around you.

The 5 4 3 2 1 Grounding Technique (Real-Time Stress Relief)

Here’s how you can use it right now:

Simply describe or name:

5 Things You Can See
Look around and name five things you can see. It can be anything, from the blue sky outside your window to the cup on your desk. Focusing on your surroundings helps draw you out of stressful thoughts.

4 Things You Can Touch
Next, identify four things you can physically touch. Notice the texture, temperature, and how they feel under your hands. Maybe it’s the smooth surface of your phone or the soft fabric of your shirt.

3 Things You Can Hear
Close your eyes and listen for three distinct sounds. They can be as subtle as the hum of your computer or the sound of birds outside. This helps shift your focus away from internal thoughts to external stimuli.

2 Things You Can Smell
What can you smell? Take in two different scents, whether it’s a lingering fragrance or fresh air from an open window.

1 Thing You Can Taste
Finally, pay attention to what you can taste. Maybe it’s your morning coffee, or just the residual taste in your mouth.

By the time you’ve completed this simple exercise, your mind is usually clearer, and your stress levels lower. It’s quick, easy, and something you can practice anytime you feel overwhelmed or anxious.

Next time you feel overwhelmed, pause for a moment and do the ‘5 4 3 2 1 Grounding’ technique. You’ll be surprised at how quickly it can bring you back to a state of calm. Take note of how much calmer you feel afterward and how easily this technique shifted your focus.

For more information, other tools and tips or to book your complimentary 30-minute discovery session, please visit:

Latest Updates

Moving forward please contact us for a visit. We are now meeting at the Marine Hotel. Call or email if you would like to come along.

Jacinta Banks – Nutritionist – congratulations on becoming a certified health practitioner. Watch out for her deals on Neals Yard remedies .

Tracey Blackman – Travel Counsellor – has won a trip to Vietnam and we all wish her a safe and wonderful break.

Michelle Goddard – Relaxation Therapist – has celebrated 2 years since openings her full time business. Well done.

Mark Read – Business Advisor – Chief Finance Officer for Channel FM Cleaning and Support Services announced the expansion of Channel FM opening a new office in Exeter

Thank you to Debbie Jones – Butterfly Garden Tea Parties for her talk this month. Informative and delivered with humour.

Sara Biddle

Expanding your Mind

Our fiist talk of the month was from Sara, not only our chair but a contributing member as well.

Many of the new members have had their first introduction into Sara’s path to her passion. Her background, qualifiacations and what drives her.

We were shown a few of the methodologies, in simplistic form, that Sara considers when working with clients. Please look at Sara’s profile page for further information.

Koolwebs Talk Today

Each member of the business club gets a profile page to advertise their business on our website.

As we have some fairly new members I wanted to go through the basic steps to update their business profile page on the website.

We looked at logging in and adding the basic text. I demonstrated adding images looking at size and uploading to the media library.

Everyone will be give a link to the presentation for reference as well as a link to a document with the written instructions.

We are always looking for new businesses to join us providing they don’t duplicate another members trade. Please call our chairperson if you would like to come along for a visit.

New Venue

The Beach Cafe is now under new management and sadly can no longer host our weekly meetings. We are working hard to find a new venue. Looking for local business to support as we are a local networking group of enthusiastic businesses. Keep checking in and we will let you know as soon as we are settled.

New member presentation

Great talk from Paula Jones of Debacle to Sparkle. Giving us all the infomation we need to pass her details on. Call Paula on 07764 183 944. One cupboard to a whole house, packing or sorting Paula can help,

New Members

Joining our Team we have Paula Jones from ‘Debacle to Sparkle’ , with a passion to help you declutter your stuff , and Jason Kemp ‘your life your own way’ a master practitioner in NLP therapy and training. We look forward to networking with you.

We also had a talk for Kimmy of Koolwebs who updated us on keeping our profile pages up to date and how to do it. This also gave our new members a guide to running their profile page.